Just imagine setting out on a relaxing walk in the park with your canine chum and before you know it Fido is taking you for a walk! Jeez, no one wants to play an endless game of tug of war when they’re simply trying to take their fur pal for a walk.
So, why is it that many dogs pull on their leashes? Well, the most common reason is that they’ve learned that it helps them to move forward—to the front of the pack!
Sure, you may think sternly saying “no” to your pooch is helping prevent them from yanking at the leash. The truth is, talking just one teeny, tiny step forward when your dog pulls the leash is teaching your barking buddy that pulling works. Oh, dear!
Sure, pulling on the leash is a natural behaviour for dogs. But it can get ‘kinda annoying. Not to mention the pain in the old arm. Luckily, there is help at hand. And, it’s super stylish!